We train! An interview with our trainees

Head of Marketing & Communications
In addition to the rapid development of the pay.de product, the team led by the two founders and managing directors Lasse Diener and Ulrich Schmidt is constantly expanding. In 2020, the startup grew threefold and today has over 45 employees. In order to secure the next generation of skilled workers, NX Technologies GmbH has been recognized as a training company and has thus already attracted two highly motivated trainees. In an interview, they talk about their experiences and impressions at bezahl.de:

How did you find out about bezahl.de?

patrick & Siegfried: We became aware of bezahl.de via the employment agency's job board.

What was your first impression of the company?

patrick: My first impression was that I could be myself. The discussions were very open and the contacts were always friendly. I immediately felt at ease.

Siegfried: I was immediately involved in projects and received in a super friendly manner by everyone in the team.

How do you like the team?

patrick: I find the team to be very modern and open. Team building is a very high priority for us, which means that you always feel in good hands. In addition, there are flat hierarchies that ensure equal cooperation.

Siegfried: The team behind bezahl.de is super progressive - “The future is here”. I felt good right from the start. The only “challenge”: Turning off the sizing.

Should work remain the same as it is or would you like to see changes?

patrick: There is air conditioning and cold sparkling water, school and work are well balanced and we are flexible when it comes to the next phase of the exam. What more could you want?

Siegfried: I can only agree with that!

How would you describe bezahl.de in three words?

patrick: Efficient, open and helpful.

Siegfried: Transparent, understanding and trusting.

What is the biggest incentive for you?

patrick: Getting a good feeling and the opportunities for further development. I would like to give something back for the time that is invested in us.

Siegfried: I got good training and good insights - the decision to step up was therefore extremely easy for me.

Do you see your future at bezahl.de?

patrick: Definitely yes!

Siegfried: Also yes! Even if you want to develop yourself in other areas, you will be supported and will try to implement your wishes.

How do you like the larger office?

patrick: It is a positive development because we are growing and the team behind bezahl.de is getting bigger and bigger.

Siegfried: It's a great feeling to see this positive development. You feel part of the growing bezahl.de family.

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