Networking and exclusive insights: Automotive after work events impress in Düsseldorf & Hamburg

The new Automotive After Work event format creates space for visionary exchange between leading industry experts. The start of the new series of events took place on November 3rd in Düsseldorf and was convincing through interactive dialogue, exclusive insights and strong speakers. The team is looking forward to further events and many exciting participants in 2023!

In cooperation with Mercedes-Benz Herbrand GmbH, the Cologne-based company NX Technologies, operator of the innovative payment management platform, organized the first automotive after work event at Kabarett Flin in Düsseldorf. Numerous representatives from the regional automotive trade took the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Presenter and industry expert Juliane Schleicher led through a varied evening full of networking, interactivity and inspiration.

Of course, the hot topics of digitization and sustainability also received particular attention this evening. Daniel Hennig and Jan Pollman (Mercedes-Benz Herbrand GmbH & evosec GmbH & Co. KG) opened the event with their contribution on the topic “The paperless workshop — digital & sustainable into the future” and passed on pioneering ideas and inspiration to their audience.

Lasse Diener, co-founder and CEO of, then gave interesting insights into the work processes and business organization of the Cologne-based FinTech. Under the heading “New Work”, the guests were able to gain interesting food for thought about modern corporate management. Companies can increase their attractiveness for talented applicants through a compelling vision, open communication culture and flexible work organization. The team was able to pass on exciting ideas to the industry representatives present.

The evening was rounded off by a very special guest: The twenty-time kickboxing world champion Marie Lang offered courage and motivation to achieve their own goals with her presentation “With willpower to succeed.” The participants were then able to round off the evening in a relaxed get-together.

We would like to thank everyone who was there for their participation and the positive response! The success in Düsseldorf was immediately followed by the next event in cooperation with the team from B&K GmbH & Co. KG and Oliver Bohn in Hamburg. The fully booked event took place at the Hafen Hotel Hamburg, which gave guests a breathtaking view of the Port of Hamburg. Jessica Urbanski opened the evening with the topic “Digitalization in car dealerships” by providing exclusive insights into the commercial areas of the B&K Group and thus offering those present smart perspectives for the modern design of the sales and after sales sector. The event was rounded off by a contribution from Oliver Bohn, who represented Autohaus Kuhn & Witte GmbH & Co. KG. As always, he explained not only past successes, but also the company's promising future projects in the two-wheeler segment in an entertaining and authentic way.

Of course, is also coming to other cities with the Automotive After Work Event. Further dates are already being planned.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

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