— The logo and its creation

Interaction of product and design
The story began with the final product orientation in mid-2019. After the early development and discovery phase, became the product that has now matured into the standard in automotive retail: an all-in-one platform for digital payment management. All internal processes, from payment claim to processing and accounting, can now be represented reliably and efficiently with
As part of product development, the design was also revised. But developing a new design doesn't happen overnight. 133 designs, 21 colors, 17 fonts and half a year of development later, it was done: The logo is final. is not only the URL of the platform, but also the product name and logo.
“Designing the logo was an intensive period in which we grew as a team and paved the way for the future of the brand. With a result that is impressive! ”, says the lead UX and graphic designer at NX Technologies.
Logo insider knowledge
The claim”Process rocket for the car trade“is reflected in the logo. The three lines in the middle of the logo show the typical process rocket for In this context, the color blue (Azure Radiance) stands for security and is characteristic of the banking and financial world. The red shade Flamingfo as the second main color is intended to convey the dynamism and competitiveness of the brand. Everything is combined under the motto: Expert, agile and in partnership.