among the three finalists of the startup pitch of the 15th Private Equity Conference

Once a year, NRW Bank, together with the Private Equity Forum NRW, awards the prize for the most innovative start-up of the year. More than 70 up-and-coming startups from a wide range of sectors applied for the award and were judged by a jury of experts. impressed with its sustainable business model and finally secured third place. A great recognition of the work done so far by the up-and-coming team led by the two founders Lasse Diener and Ulrich Schmidt.

The private equity conference was held digitally for the first time this year — in line with the topic “Venture Capital — Fuel for Digitalization.” At virtual exhibition stands, visitors were able to get in touch with exhibitors via video chat and view and download information material. The virtual exhibition stand was also a first for the team. Designed in the colors, it attracted attention and showed visitors the added value of the payment management solution.

A live stream of the conference program was also shown on the virtual stage. After Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister of Economics of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Michael Stölting, member of the Board of NRW.BANK, opened the conference from the studio in Düsseldorf, interesting expert presentations were added. The focus included topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the economic effects of corona.

The core of the program was the award ceremony for the startup pitch, which all participants eagerly awaited. Professional pitch videos of the finalists were recorded in advance, which were presented to visitors for voting at the conference. In the three-minute video, Lasse Diener, CEO and co-founder of the startup, presents and his vision. He is supported by Ralf Brandenburg, managing director of Hans Brandenburg GmbH, a long-standing cooperation partner. The audience decision was close and once again caused the live finalists to palpitate. The team was able to secure third place in the end.

“A great recognition for the work of the entire team — thanks for the great support! We are far from the end of our journey and are doing everything we can to continue to drive forward the digitization of payment processes.”, Lasse Diener summarizes the successful pitch participation.

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