70% savings in accounting — thanks to the latest technology from bezahl.de

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70% savings in accounting — thanks to the latest technology from bezahl.de

The platform for digital payment management bezahl.de has revolutionized sales and accounting processes in the automotive trade. Now, the operator of the payment management platform, NX Technologies based in Cologne, has developed a new technology that enables 100% automated payment allocation for all bezahl.de customers.

The new technology enables automatic accounting and thus a constantly transparent and up-to-date overview of all payments in the car dealership.

100% clarity in the payment process

Everyone knows it: “user errors” cause opaque and time-consuming errors in the functional process when using software or apps. This is usually not dramatic, but when it comes to transactions involving large sums of money, as in car dealerships, things look different. A reliable and unambiguous allocation with a 0% error rate is of great importance here. To ensure this, the digital payment process experts from bezahl.de have integrated a novel technology into their application. From now on, there is no need for manual expenses when allocating incoming payments, such as when buyers make a number twister in the intended use or transfer shares of a vehicle price to different people. Thanks to innovative technology, bezahl.de makes attribution via error-prone payment details a thing of the past.

Maximum allocation security for every transaction

And this is how it all works: With bezahl.de technology, every payment is provided with a unique characteristic, individually generated by the system. This enables automated and 100% secure payment allocation. With bezahl.de, errors in entering usage purposes or different debtors are therefore no longer a problem. The process is as secure as possible and the accounting department is 100% secure when it comes to allocation. Result: No one has to search anymore to determine which purchase includes which document or which booking. The application is also easy for end customers: The car buyer receives a payment invitation via email. He has the choice between various payment methods specialized in car trading. Regardless of how the customer pays, every payment is automatically assigned by the system. Upon receipt of payment, the car dealer receives an insured digital payment confirmation from bezahl.de in real time. Incoming payments to the business account are accompanied by information relevant to financial accounting, such as customer name and transaction number. As a result, bezahl.de also maximizes the data quality of incoming payments.

The process makes digital payment management error-free

Anyone who uses bezahl.de has the opportunity to optimize their payment management in car dealerships with an automated, central and software-based system. The result of the introduction of bezahl.de is more efficient, transparent and 100% digital financial accounting for all payments, invoices and bookings. All incoming payments are automatically and clearly assigned, which saves time and costs. At the same time, car buyers benefit from various payment methods specialized in the car trade and complete digital payment processing. Among other things, bezahl.de enables convenient payment via smartphone in real time when handing over the vehicle with “direct payments”. This offers car buyers the most modern payment process on the market. The presentation of the payment status in real time generates maximum transparency and speed for the car dealership's payment processes. With the innovative all-in-one solution bezahl.de, 70% of manual expenses in accounting can be saved.

More information about bezahl.de:

Customer success story “Process rocket meets reimport specialist - Europemobile launches turbo payment processing with bezahl.de”


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